WOLF-Catalogue-2025-Vol.1 - Catalog - Page 2
We also achieved another
milestone in 2025 by being
awarded “The Butterfly Mark”
I hope that 2025 has started off well for you. 2024 was a great year for WOLF, we celebrated
190 years of being in business around the globe! The pinnacle was the 190 th Anniversary Gala at
The Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, London. Bringing the incredible WOLF story to life with
vignettes for each of the 5 generations and highlighting the product that was designed to honour
each of them. I even twirled my way out of a full-scale musical jewellery box! A great evening was
had by all. To take a look at this and lots of other great content please visit our YouTube channel.
We also achieved another milestone in 2025 by being awarded “The Butterfly Mark”. We now sit
alongside many prestigious luxury brands that care about how we treat the folks we work with,
the materials we use, the environment and how we look to the future through innovation.
To learn more visit www.positiveluxury.com.
And now on to the catalogue that you have in front of you. Continuing our commitment to saving
the earth’s resources and leaving as small a mark as possible we will no longer be printing a
physical book. The death of trees, the use of inks, the postage, the mailing is all very costly to
the environment and in good conscience we just couldn’t continue. In its place is a fully digital
and interactive book that we will update every quarter with new and exciting product launches
alongside our extensive core collections. The catalogue includes full search functionality by
product name or item number, informative videos to watch and you can jump from page to
page effortlessly.